About Us

一般社団法人 日本ハラール研究所
Japan Halal Research Institute for Products and Services


Create and implement sustainable programs and activities that support and promote the development and commercialization of innovative Halal products and services for global markets

Provide authentication of Halal products and services for certification, based on state-of-the-art science and technology

Provide the highest-quality, customized professional services, such as education, training, and consulting, to all those involved in Halal-related businesses

Advance the understanding of both Halal science and Islamic law (Sharia) by bringing together the experts from both fields

Support active and continuing discussions on the issues relating to the conduct and outcomes of Halal scientific research and product innovation

Disseminate to the public the latest Halal-related scientific knowledge, developments, and opportunities and their implications for public policy, societal benefit, and continued scientific progress

一般社団法人 日本ハラール研究所

Japan Halal Research Institute for Products and Services
Copyright(C) JAHARI All Rights Reserved.